
Livia Martin Broken Things & Nature Morte

Chilean artist Livia Marin became famous in the art world by creating these amazing porcelain ‘Broken things’. She is now coming back with a new show at House of Propellers called Nature Morte, in which she explores restoration in 2D and 3D and repair of modest historic objects.

‘Nature Morte’ Press Release
Livia Marin’s second exhibition at House of Propellers brings together aspects of painting, photography, ceramic, textile, and sculpture. Under the formal rule of Nature Morte, the French term for Still Life, Marin appropriates this genre historically relegated to secondary spaces, supposedly lacking in greatness and scarcely ever displayed in the big salons. When we think of the Still Life as a work for interpretation, we see how Marin employs the genre by using its shortcomings, its ostensibly marginality, and its modest anonymity. The work becomes an exercise in precariousness and its possibilities, as well as an allegory for the Latin American contingency.

For Livia Marin to explore the composition of the Still Life is to think about the hierarchy of objects: both their spatial, social and political orders. And also to give a place to all that is forgotten and cast aside in aesthetic practice. The stitching technique applied to the photographs is related to a system of restoration and repair. In a contemporary culture of simultaneously buying and binning, these objects are a powerful reminder that no part of material culture can escape the ideological connotations of value.

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